Years of bondage. Cruel taskmasters driving them to produce more. They did all the work while others received all the glory. No, I'm not talking about your workplace, though it may sound like it. I'm talking about the book of Exodus and the children of Israel.
As we begin November, would you consider diving into the book of Exodus with me? It's 40 easily read chapters can take you through this month and into the 1st week of December if you just read one chapter each day. It's a powerful book of history, foreshadowing & symbolism.
Exodus: to leave, to make an exit, to escape, to be set free. Are you interested yet?
Won't you make the journey? As you read the story let it speak to you about life today and God's great plans for your life. Here's a few things to keep in mind as you read that may add insight to your understanding:
Whenever we read about Egypt in the Bible it is a type and shadow of sin?
We know that Israel is a type and shadow of the New Testament church.
Consider the sacrificial lamb, the institution of the Passover and God's nothing-short-of-miraculous deliverance of His people.
As you read, let Him show you how He can do for you and I the same thing He did for Israel. He can deliver us from a lifetime of bondage, fear and hopelessness.
What better way to prepare for the upcoming New Year than to believe God that it will be a year of freedom & deliverance like never before. Learn about a man named Moses that talked with God "face to face." See the applying of the blood from the Passover lamb. Let God's Spirit remind you of where He's brought you from and what He can still do in your life and mine. Let's prepare for Exodus...